

Procrastination~ Bhuyanshi Talukdar
Sitting at the desk,
time swiftly passes by,

The shadow of black hole
envelops me,
feeling weary.
Sunlight through the pane,
Soft as silk,
yet can't dispel
My inner hesitance.

Thoughts dance,
fingertips tap,
Words float,
but fail to anchor.
Witch's maze,
I'm trapped,
unable to flee.

Book's scent lures me,
But focus eludes my grasp.
Albatross on my back,
Escape seems out of reach.

Tick, tick, time marches on,
yet I remain stagnant
in the albatross,
Hesitating like
a flower withering.

A forest shrouded in mist,
I am lost within,
No way out.

© BhuyanshiTalukdar2023