

In the end it was just me and my thoughts,
A painful trap, long after you were gone
No one stands with me, except,
I cannot share my feelings with anyone
I stayed in the dark room
for hours
I listened romantic sad song
for hours.

There was a time, when I would won the world for you .
There was a time,when I decided to marry you.
I decided to give you all the luxuries
and pleasure,
But maybe, I was not the right person
in your life.
Because, I cannot invest more in your love games.
You choose that guy who was my best friend.
You know, when you hold his hand and cross the street ,
I feel like someone stabbed my heart
with a 🔪
I loose that guy who was my best friend and you
I felt like the world was finish here.

Time changes everything.
I decided to discover, a new me
That pull ups iron rod help me alot .
It creates a new ironman inside me ,
And still helping.
I looses my extra fat and create new strong muscles
I studied for hours and working out
for hours
I always look at the mirror and told
You can do more than this , you are more stronger than you think
I did something unbelievable.

I become the top writers in my country.
There was a time when no one message me in facebook,
And now messages are coming and coming in my facebook.
Day by day my followers are increasing .
I got the national award
for writing.
The newspapers , TV channels ,social media, I am everywhere.
Please, don't take the credit of my success.
My hardwork, discipline, never give up mentality, deserve this success.
I know you are married now, may be
you have kids
One day they would go to schools .
My stories and poems are there in your kid's text book.
You may be help them to read the stories and poems.
From there, you will again find me.
But you cannot touch me
or speak to me.
You can only feel me through my
stories and poems.

This is not ending, this is just