

A HEART which was hammered till it Broke
I am blank, I don't know what to write
I am staring at the pages, when you strike my mind
I am thinking of you all day and night
But you act as I am a flower which died

And I talked to you last Saturday
Conclusion: I never wanna see your face again
'Cause seeing you makes me hate you more
I always knew, we were fake from the core

Why did you say you loved me the most?
Why give the cards which were nothing but decors?
Why did it take me so long to realize?
That I'm the one I should love in this life

I thought you were, the wrong choice I made
Love doesn't go with me neither does the term 'friends'
You showed me faults of mine which were unprecedented
And I am not sure if they were the faults that I made

You said you cared about us but our taciturnity went on
You never realized how much I loved you...I was woebegone
Midnight chats, holding hands were the things supposed to be strong
I thought we were like unlike poles of a magnet, but you proved me wrong

Sometimes your best love, hurts you the most
I learnt it after a year passed and I was the one alone
Promises are the sweetest lies
You didn't keep your oath
Once you were the one holding our hands tight
And now you say,
"We don't belong together anymore."