

We are made for sky!
We are made for sky,
Our wings are free,
Our limbs are ready to take off,
But what is it that holds us back?
We are made for sky!
What crime have we commited?
That today we are behind the bars,
Our children are hungry,
And let us fly!
Hollow bones but strong aspiration,
High imunity,
Real faith,
And courage could let us be there,
We are made for sky!
We are birds of paradice,
We are a plenty in colours,
Steady is our hope,
We are meant to live in free,
We are made for sky!
We are a day dreamer ,
Hard worker with strong appetite to fly,
Don't ruin our life by holding us back,
We are made for sky!
Why to be introvert ?
When whole sky is made for us!
We are made for sky!

-Durgesh Lokhande
#Birdsarefree #freeus #wholesky
#Emptysky #Cagedbirds #prisoner #Wearemadeforsky