

Love for Airplanes
In the boundless sky, where dreams take flight,
A love affair ignites, pure and bright.
Where wings kiss the wind, and engines hum,
I find my solace, my heartstrings strum.

Oh, airplanes, vessels of grace and might,
You fill my soul with sheer delight.
Your sleek contours, a lover's embrace,
Your soaring spirit, a celestial chase.

From the propellers of yesteryears' embrace,
To jet engines roaring with fiery grace,
You carry hopes, aspirations, and desire,
Like cupid's arrow, you never tire.

In your metal embrace, I find release,
A sweet surrender, a moment of peace.
Above the clouds, we dance and we roam,
United in love, together we comb.

Oh, how you transport me to distant lands,
As we traverse borders and shifting sands.
Through azure skies and cerulean seas,
I'm lost in your arms, forever at ease.

You take me where the sun sets ablaze,
Over mountains, rivers, and vibrant bays.
Together we explore Earth's every hue,
Captivated by wonders, both old and new.

Through turbulence and stormy weather,
Our love endures, bound strong together.
You teach me patience, resilience, and trust,
In each journey, love, and adventure, we adjust.

Oh, airplanes, you are my steadfast muse,
In your presence, my heart finds its fuse.
For in your wings, a love story unfurls,
A passion that defies earthly rules.

So, let us embrace, high above the ground,
Where love for airplanes will forever be found.
In the vast expanse of this boundless sky,
Our love, eternal, will forever fly.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku