

I was so cold
standing alone ...
in the winter..with snow falling down...

I saw a light
that came towards me
I heard voice
in a distant calling me
do I know you..?
did I see you?
then why....
did you call my name ..
for why ...
did you came beside me...

you came alone
stood right in front of me
I didn't know you
but still you cared for me
you embraced
I felt the warm
in the coldest of day..
looked like the snow melted
down my face...

you held me up
took me in
gave me food
and hot soup to fill in
oh! it's warmth felt in
deep in my heart
your eyes glittered
with kindness shining slot.

Did you think
I'm a beggar
abandoned by the world
left alone to survive..
or am I
something to you
to give your previous time

oh dear !
what a surprise..
there lies a small
portrait of me..
he knew me, known me
but why I'm blank on it..

sudden whisper
near my ear
filled with warm and
tingling with care
said he slowly
"you are my life
I held dearly"

shines in his hand
a ring of gold
stood there straight
a little diamond
put in my fingers
held me in his embrace
"never will I leave you
ever again"

was I left
or was I cheated
what I did
why I stand here
the look of his face
detailed the whole case
do I need to??
well life goes on
leaving nothing too.

never would you know
what you face
but my hand with you
I'm in your embrace
I'll face the world
standing straight
strong I'll be
so never be left again...

© new era