

The Last Smile
It was when in cold times
I managed to survive
It was when despite of lies
I managed to tearfully smile

It was when simple thoughts
Fill me up and make me happy
It was when my simple flaws
Was still not able to break me

It was when I never realized
How cruel the world can be
It was when I could still hide
My feelings of fear towards reality

Even through pain
I managed to escape
Managed to stay alive
And let go of the knife

It doesn't matter how rough
The situation you're in
What matters is how tough
You are in surviving

Keep smiling
Dont let it fade
Keep trying
You dont have to fake

Keep crying
It'll be okay
Keep resting
Just get up one day

Just dont ever let me see
Your precious last smile
Please do not be
A person wanting to die

Because I am here
You can confide in me
I wont judge you, don't worry
I'll be here in eternity.

No matter how precious
Your last smile can be
No matter how contagious
Your last laugh can be

Promise that you will stay
Give me more of your smiles
And so we will find a way
To answer all of your whys

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