

He was a human too✨Cuz his past was bad✨
Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder...
Dont make the devil awake,
He shall cause destruction
Ssshhh, Be queit
Or you will have to face the
Ssshhh, You dont wanna be
his prey,
Then make sure, he is not awake,
If the devil may awake
Get yourself out of there
You may not like the beginning
But be aware that
Once, He was a human too
Cuz he is past was not soo good
Doesn't mean that
He should be treated as murder too
Cuz he isnt one
Cuz he has suffered enough
Be careful and
Let him rest too✨
© Ishu.writes❤️