

What is love one may ask?

All I can say is that love is a wonderful feeling said to be shared with a partner ,

It has the power to move mountains destroy countries or the whole world even,

Love knows no boundaries,
Love according to the bible is kind,
Love is patient,
Love is self control,
Love is all that is righteous,

But is Love itself as wonderful as I say,
I myself am not sure,
Those who genuinely love are sometimes probed to make sacrifices which hinder the progress of their feelings,
In the sense that one party might be sacrificing his life in particular for his lover,

To me that is love,
And honestly there will always be a link drawing lovers together,
Whether it’s lovers to strangers,
Lovers to haters,
Lovers to friends,
Love will always bloom again.

But the summary of life is this,
Love is complex,
Girls are complex,
They as well as guys make love seem evil,
They fill it with malicious intent,
Which ends up breeding hatred,
But forgetting malicious intent,


“We’ll be together forever”,
“I love you so much”,
All these for either party to cheat,
Get jealous,
And the worst of it lose interest,

Basically Love isn’t all sugar and candy it used to be,
Love is mundane and mediocre.