

Rising Above The Storm

Banditry, oh banditry, you are like a hyena in the night
A scavenger that preys on the weak, with a heart full of spite,greed lays beneath,
roaming the savannah, searching for your next meal a speciality founded always,
Leaving destruction in a wake, like a swarm of locusts that reveal.

claws so sharp, like a leopard's paws
tooth so sharp, like a snake's jaws
striking without warning, like a cobra's bite
Leaving victims helpless, like an antelope in flight

But like a baobab tree, that stands tall and strong, rising above evil, and singing a song
will not be intimidated, by your threats and might,
standing together, like herd of elephants, united and bright victory shall reign,showcasing in a blink of an eye,hear our voices oh! Banditry,
You are like a whirlwind, that sweeps across the land, But we stand rebuilding, like a phoenix from the ashes
And rise stronger, like a lion that roars and clashes,you are like a virus, that spreads disease and fear
But we will find a cure, and wipe away those tears being brought upon of sorrow, losses,
standing together, like a flock of birds in flight
And shine our light, like a sun that burns away the night

So hear our message, oh banditry,
We will not be held hostage, by your guns
We will not be silenced, by your threats and your intimidation
We will speak out, like a river that flows with liberation

We will stand together, like a forest that stands tall
And we will overcome, like a warrior that never falls
We will rise above your evil, like a eagle that soars in the sky.

© meena's inspirational books