

At The Moment
At the Moment,
We live in a world overcome with anarchy and fright.
We shield ourselves from the open-air world,
In hopes of not contracting this Virus,
The virus that has interrupted the peaceful lives of millions.

At the Moment,
We protest working from home,
We whine about online learning,
And we complain about running out of Netflix shows to watch.

But in reality,
There are hundreds of policemen,
Faraway from their homes and families, facing this spiteful reality,
While we all relax at home.

There are hundreds of doctors and nurses,
Who put their lives in jeopardy every single day,
To save our race.
And how do we repay them all?
We spit and throw stones.

At the Moment,
We don’t understand that our Mother Earth is healing.
Her skies are cloudy and polluted,
Her lands are barren,
And her waters are brown and murky.

She has provided unconditionally for us all this time,
But she too, has reached her limit.
The least we can do for her,
Is let her heal.

At the Moment,
All we can do,
Is follow our leaders,
And Stay home to Stay Safe.

Soon, once this is all over,
When we walk through the gates of our homes,
We will walk into a new India, a new Earth,
And a new humanity.
This too shall pass.

© D.M Wright