

Love in the breath
Love in the breath, a gentle sigh,
A whisper soft beneath the sky,
In every breath, your essence lies,
A tender bond that never dies.

With each inhale, your spirit's near,
A touch so light, so pure, so clear,
Exhale brings a sweet release,
A dance of love, a moment's peace.

Breath by breath, our hearts align,
A rhythm pure, a love divine,
In every breath, I find your grace,
A sacred bond, a warm embrace.

Silent whispers, breath of love,
Soft as the wings of a dove,
In the breath, our souls entwine,
A love eternal, ever mine.

Through the air, your presence flows,
In every breath, affection grows,
A love that lingers, soft and true,
In every breath, I breathe in you.