

I don’t want to be my anxiety
But I don’t know how to get around it
I’ve had it all my life
but I used to be able to deal with it
I used to be able to live my life
the way I want with
it barely affecting me
but now it’s worse
much worse
I’m scared I’m losing control
but it’s fine right
it has to get worse before it can get better
but why does it have to be so bad
to have to get better
in the first place
I’ve always wondered
what it would be like
to live as someone
without dangerous levels of anxiety
how it feels to live your life
being anxious every once in awhile
and not feeling the shaking
in your hands
almost everyday
Maybe one day I will get to that point
but that’s not today
right now I just have to be okay
With who I am today
and work towards getting better
so tomorrow
I can live more of my life
© Caitlin