

I sometimes wonder how i lost you.
You were just within my reach and then,`puff´,it was all gone
The promising shreds of friendship.
I wish i had showed you that i cared,that i felt at peace with you.
That i was contented.

Now every time i see you, i feel like there are words that were left unsaid but am not brave enough to take the first step.

So i let you pass by me everyday and it looks like you have already moved on.
That you are doing just fine without me.

Everytime i meet you and you ignore me or pass by me without so much a word. Or treat me like everybodyelse, it just stabs me through the heart .
But you don't know that, do you?
Because am good at hiding pain and heartbreak, good at wearing my mask of indifference.

Have you even ever tried to reach me, to the person behind the walls i have built up?
Tried to reach the rays of sunshine behind the stormy clouds?
Tried to understand me behind the facade of my false smile?

You just gave up and walked away, let it go like you don't give a fuck.
Treated me like i wasn't worth your time.

And what do i do?
I also walk past, acting like i have
never known you
And after a while
We are both strangers
Watching eachother secretly

© Spicyminx