

Her fantasies of motherhood
Her fantasies was the joys of motherhood
The joy to know a being grows in you
The love that will bond them together
The power to birth another life
The glory in been called the mother of so, so, so

Her thoughts has always been on...
The way her hands will craddle her baby
And her mouth will sing her a lullaby
How she will rub her back with the first oil from the olive tree
And feed her with the first milk from her full milky breasts

But, even now, as she gets close
To the reality of her fantasies,
The pain of child birth suddenly became her worst nightmare
The morning nausea ; her enemy
The changes her body will undergo ; a terror

She feared her firm breasts will sag after breastfeeding
She isn't sure if she will be able to keep the vigils after the child is born
What she doesn't know is,
the joys of motherhood takes a lot of processes
than her mere fantasies
© Chrisbam K