

You know when we were frnds
The time when we first talked
And we started chatting like hell

Met by chance and frnds by luck
But then a change came between us
We started connecting ourself in a bond
We wanted to name that bond...love
And we didn't realized that it took away our conversation
When we used to talk about our thinking, our dream, some feeling and even some time frustration....

But it all vanished
And all the sharing stopped
Our frndship.......got lost

I know you tried very hard
To make me feel worth
But I miss that frndship
Where we lived far but our feeling doesn't
Where you helped me in every situation
Where we use to make jokes
Where we motivated ourself both

This all fun got lost
It took my frndship so far
I really miss those days and that frnd
Never understood why this love happened

It destroyed my frndship
It hurted him
I am not ready yet to accept it
But I m unable to do anything...
I m unable to do anything
Except missing...

© mylearningdiaries