

Remind me
Times I'm enervated,
My soul- good as dead,
Low in spirit,
Succumbing to defeat.

Snatched by darkness,
Thrown into life's mess,
Lips heavy to call your name,
Forgetting you are still the same.

Storms of life pushing me like a cart,
Love replaced with angst in my heart,
Darkness casting it's cloud upon my will to live ,
My soul,darkness,light- in a miff.

Remind me,
I'm special like a three course meal.
Thy love taste sweeter than wine,
Nothing else is divine.

The hairs on my head are numbered,
The proof that your love for me is mad.
Your love for me has never for once faded,
I'm your beloved.


#Writco #God #Jesusgirl #Writcochallenge