

Distorted Truth
"No, you don't deserve it."
"You deserve all kinds of love."
That's what the voice said to her when she was crumbling apart.
He tried everything to fix her broken heart.
But little did he know about what broke her.
She wasn't broken by lack of love as much as she was broken by lack of freedom.
She has always felt like she was alone in a large crowded coliseum.
Everyone had followed its rules and restrictions.
She couldn't be a part of them because she had some other addictions.
She had always been so attracted to being different.
Eventually, that's what caused her the worst afflictions.
But she believed.
She believed deep down her soul that one day she'll get out of this cage.
She was ready to make a change.
Not just start a page, she wanted to start the first chapter of a series of books.
As time passed, they made the locks harder to break.
Claiming that all of these thick unforgiving walls were for her sake.
They kept convincing her that it was her own mistake.
That she should've stayed awake.
Yeah, they believed that her sight was completely opaque.
She sat down with herself.
"Could they be the ones who really have the mind? "
"Could I be that blind?"
"Ugh! I feel so confined!"
Suddenly, she felt her heart becoming twined.
"Maybe, I should've declined."
"Oh god... When with the truth be unwound? "
Tears dropped on her cheeks as she finally screamed her pain.
She could no longer handle the strain.
"No one could understand me even if they heard."
"No one knows how long I carried pain and fear."
"If I could only disappear."
"Maybe when I do, everything will be clear. "
"They will never be happy as long as they keep being insincere."
"Let them continue spreading their lies"
"Claiming they're care, while they're destruction in disguise. "
© R.mahmoud