

Upside Down
This world is upside down
Filled with hatred and greed
We all should slowdown
Put a stop on evil deeds
For every tree we cut down
We should plant a seed
On the vege of meltdown
This is no more a fantasy
Most are following a fallacy
There is more shit happening
Other than war & bankruptcy
When push comes to shove
We might fall asleep

We call this planet Earth
We're destroying it since our birth
The sins of the father, the sins of the son
Can never be undone
In this nature of causality
There's no racial equality
Most of us lack financial stability
People are given license to carry a gun
Hunting is a sport, you can kill anyone
Wild animals are caged and tortured
Talking about mental health is awkward
Self-help gurus are ready to help you
Dollar bills to make your life brand new

Nowadays calls are cheap
But no one has time to speak
Who's got the latest flagship?
Busy minds got time to critique
Waiting for the end of beep
Hunting all the black sheeps
And most of us lack sleep
We keep shit that we can't keep
Trash heaps and that fact beeps
It seems like nobody gives a fuck
We are all sitting ducks
We're not lucky but we got luck
In an endless loop, we're stuck

© themarsbeing