

Dear society,

We are tired.
We are tired of your
unstable desires.

We are tired of listening
'boys don't cry'
letting their heart and soul
feel dead.

We are tired of listening
girls don't sit in that way
everytime we want
ourself to feel relaxed.

We are tired of chasing
after marks memorising
each and every line and
not trying to gain the knowledge.

We are tired of listening
where is the other 2 when we recieve 98.

We are tired of killing our
passion  and choosing
either Doctor, Engineer or Professor
as our aim.

We are tired of giving up our food,
to get the gap between our thigh
and a nice waist
to stop you from staring at our shape.

We are tired of you blaming us for attracting boys by getting a
perfect figure
and then getting raped.

We are tired of listening
everytime how we are so
bony whenever we pop
before your gaze.

We are tired of listening
your remedies of
whitening and other skin care.

We are tired of listening
girls should get marry
before 25.

We are tired of you
asking everytime
"when's the good news coming"
just after our marriage.

We are tired of listening
to keep lower our voice
just because we are
below of your age.

We are tired of fulfilling
your desires killing our
own happiness.

We are tired of satisfying
you everytime only to
listen you getting
disatisfy again.

© Dikshita Parasar