

This world has become so oddly strange to me... I've become so disconnected with society and reality that it's nigh impossible for me to stay grounded and focused on this physical world of the visible....
My awakening to the awareness of the truth may have brought me immense isolation, but truth of knowledge is more precious than that of gold...A prized possession i cling to so dearly....
Still.....I have the most peculiar feeling that i dont belong to this world of humanity. .I cannot seem to pinpoint exactly where this gut feeling comes from, but its beginning to drive away my last remnants of sanity that I seem to feel constantly on the brink of an epiphany.....
The sacred sorrow of the world and the true reality that lies just underneath the depth of fabricated lies of society is anguish beyond words... Such agony in thy sorrow, the relentless longing of emotion, and the memories that, with passage of time; begin to fade away.. First by trickling down hot cheeks in icy tears, slowly falling away forgotten in lost crevices of memory, eventually finding their final rest as scars and wounds upon thy shattered and bleeding heart........
The anguish of such sorrow felt with all too much clarity rattles and shakes me to my core.....I feel so much grief and truth due to the needless loss of so many unfortunate, misguided, and decieved human souls.......... Such deeply felt agony hath left me at a complete loss for any words that would accurately convey such truths.....
These humans have not the grasp of perceptive wisdom nor the insight of enlightenment to understand (when put into Light) what truly this earth talks......humanity has not wit to grasp what lies just beyond the edge of our human knowledge and understanding... We are all caught amidst a war that has destined all of our fates.......................