

inequality in society
Poem: Where is our leadership?

Before this, we were.
Yes, we hacked the way.
Knowing not about the task.
Devilish, our minds remain.

We laugh, though
our flesh dries up our bodies.
Only to pit others' potentials?
we smile outside while
our inside collapse.

Why keeps up the shine
when darkness swallows our path.
Yet the astute know that we lay
as a fearless bulldog without teeth.

Fake we are,
Aware to bury their future for only
belly wants today.
Like a captain who knows the dance
of a sinking ship,
yet keeps the sailor's hope of safe arrival.
Knowing not the sail anymore.

Where are we heading?
When the Captain knows to zero
the hacking into where we land.
Will you, will you keep on!
Believing the bulldog
to bite without teeth?

Poet Roland Gbaye
© to pay ali-muahaha