

Such a simple word, yet so complex.
Different meanings for different perspectives.
Reassurance can be a burden to those around you.
When it comes down to it, lack of security leads to fear and worry.
Worry turns to insecurity,
and insecurity leads to distance in a hurry.
Vision getting blurry,
Heart pounding like a convict on death row awaiting the execution.
Walls crumbling...
Mind tumbling,
grasping in the dark for anything to keep us from going into the vast abyss.
Thoughts of dying,
wondering if you'd even be missed.
If it would make a difference.
If anything is even what you thought it is,
or if you misread all of the signals and are headed for a crash site at a dead end.
Wondering if you should save yourself the pain or hold on to hope that you'll be pulled from the waves you're drowning in to finally breathe again.
Telling yourself you're overreacting,
though the ice is surely cracking and you're the one holding the pick.
Chipping away at it bit by bit,
the very thing you're trying to prevent.
Wanting to let go of all control,
leading to the situation you've put yourself in.
Put your mind at ease.
Live for the moment,
the future will only stress you out and lead to self doubt;
then realize by not thinking about it you remain stagnant,
unable to progress.
Back to stress.
Such a simple word, yet so complex.
Words of affirmation at its best.
No stress.
No stress...

© mistybby