

Cursed Existence
I wish everything was ugly
So the ugly ones wouldn’t envy the pretty ones.
Is hating yourself bad?
I hate myself.
I hate the way every picture of me
turns out to be disappointing.
I hate that I’m not pretty enough.
I had this obsession with fair skin,
even from childhood.
They made me feel different;
they saw me differently.
One so-called friend held my hand
and said it looked like a boy’s hand.
Another told me I'm too skinny
to be considered a girl.
These might be just words for them,
but for me, they create a lifetime of insecurity.
Loving myself is hard when I hate myself
to the core.
They say beauty with brains is more attractive;
I don’t have that either.
Everything I do ends up failing.
I’m tired,
tired of thinking about the future,
tired to even think about tomorrow.
Living seems hard, but I do it for my mom.
If I’m gone, she might lose her mind.
My whole family could fall apart;
they might start blaming each other.
But I don’t know what to do with this life.
Everything seems to be falling apart.
Everything I wished and dreamed of has
faded away.
Why am I here if the air I breathe is contaminated by the ashes of my burning soul.

P.S. This poem is from my personal experience. Joking about someone's body might seem fun for the person making the joke, but for the one affected, it can create lifelong insecurity. Words can't be taken back once they're said. These jokes can cause deep harm, making people feel bad about themselves for a long time. They can even lead to serious consequences,and in extreme cases, they can even drive someone to death. Please think before you speak.

© The dead lily

Thankyou for reading!🖤

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