

Monster you made.
He smiles through is teeth but his heart lies in shambles.
The world doesn't want to see your tears. The world is not a place for weaklings.
From infancy, he was told not to cry even when it hurts.
Crying is for the weak minded.
So He bottles everything up.
He stomach all his emotions.
He smiles to show the world he is fine.
His heart gradually grew cold and numb. Just like stone.
He sees no pain
He knows no pain
He fears no pain.
He has learnt to smile through it all.
Learn to live with the suffering and neglect.
He is a monster with no feelings.
A monster you made.
They say love heals all.
Just like in the days of beauty and the beast.
He just needs to find is own Juliet.
Love is pain.
Love is weakness.
Love is suffering.
How then can he love. Something he has built a wall against over the years.
He is scared to love. Scared to be weak.
He is a monster.
A monster you made.

© Obinna Okereke