

Dressed, in his best, suit and tie, he sits, in the airport terminal, waiting for, his early departure flight, for yet, another business meeting, as he goes over, the notes, for his presentation, to new clients, as his, carry on bag, sits in the chair, next to him, with his coat, draped over it, as he, people watches strangers, from all walks, of life, pass by, back and forth, in front of him, as a picture, from his daughter, ends up, on the next page, of his papers, that she, must have snuck in, as he smiles, with a tear, from his eyes, as he then, begins to twirl, his ring, around his finger, as he always does, while he, thinks of his wife, kissing her, telling her, love yous and his, little angel, watching her sleep, before he left, who are still, at home, probably, just getting up, as he wonders, what they are doing, for as he, thinks more, about them, he feels, a bit lost, at not being able, to spend, as much time, with them lately, as he, has always been off, either here, or there, having these trips, but not much, quality time, with his family, as he wants them, to have a good and comfortable life, but all they want, is his love.

So now, he stands up, as he takes, his bag, to put over, his shoulder and grabbing his coat, he flings it, holding on, by a fingertip, over the cases strap and starts, to walk away, from the gate, pulling out his cell, to call up, his appointment, to reschedule it, as he then, finds himself, outside of the terminal, to take, a deep breath, feeling a bit, of weight, off him, an flagging down, a cabbies attention, he gives an address, to sit back, relax and enjoy, the ride home, to surprise his family, taking some much needed time, as his work, is important, but his families love, comes first.
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