

Humans are the collaboration of good and bad.

Every human beings have both good and bad character we are a humans not a God. The perfection is only for God almighty,
But the person who overcome their sins who strive to do good in each and everyday of life is a REAL HUMAN BEING

If you do sins don't get depressed or don't lose your hope on yourself you are just a human but instead of getting depressed try to be positive

Try to clear the mistake and try to do good next time.

Don't ever hesitate to ask sorry
The word sorry doesn't make you inferior instead it will make you a human. And if others ask forgiveness try to forgive them ,by forgiving your mind will get tranquility

"O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."-al-quran

Try to forgive yourself Try to be kind to yourself and remeber my friends everyone have their mistakes but the person who realize it and clear that mistake is a unique treasure

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