

One Day
one day,
I hope to be proud of who I am.
I don’t want to still be
sitting here, years later,
knowing that the person I am
is not who I’m meant to be,
and I don’t want to be scared
or embarrassed of who I am
on the inside

one day,
I hope to be happy.
I hope to wake every morning
with a smile on my face,
and feel like I have
a reason to want to live

one day,
I hope to be dysphoria-free.
I hope I can wake up one day
and be happy and proud
of my body, of the person I’ve become,
I want to look in the mirror one day
and see the boy that was there from the start,
the boy that’s been
in my mind and my heart
for as long as I can remember.

one day,
I hope I can love myself.