

Eternal Betrayal

In a realm where love's flame burns bright,
A tale of hearts entwined, lost in the night.
Through the echoes of promises, their souls did soar,
But endless unfaithfulness shattered love's core.

"Eternal Betrayal," the name they were given,
A wretched dance of passion, forever unforgiven.
Two souls, once devoted, now caught in a snare,
Their love's sweet melody turned to despair.

Gabriel, a wanderer with a restless spirit,
Sought solace in distant lands, eager to inherit
The thrill of new encounters, forbidden and wild,
Leaving Isabella's love, like a forsaken child.

Isabella, tormented by wounds deep within,
Sought refuge in the arms of others to drown her chagrin.
Her heart, once pure, now tainted by betrayal's touch,
Aching for the love she desired so much.

Their love, a fragile vessel, cracked and worn,
Yet they clung to the shards, their souls torn.
A cycle of deceit, forgiveness, and pain,
A tragic dance they repeated again and again.

Through tear-stained nights and broken vows,
They remained entangled, unable to disavow.
Their hearts, once intertwined, now held by threads,
Bound to a love that brought only dread.

"Eternal Betrayal," a haunting refrain,
A love story tarnished, forever in chains.
As time marches on, their wounds continue to bleed,
A symphony of sorrow, a tale of desperate need.

May their souls find solace, in time, release,
From the endless unfaithfulness, aching to cease.
For love should uplift, not tear hearts apart,
A lesson learned through "Eternal Betrayal's" art.

© Bittercrazy18