

A Triumph of Life
Out of darkness, a light shone bright
A soul awakened, a heart took flight
The moment of conception, a victory won
A life created, a journey just begun

Through the womb's embrace, a path was paved
A tiny warrior, with a spirit engraved
With every kick, a declaration made
"I am coming, world, and I won't be swayed"

The day of birth arrived, a triumph unfolded
A cry of victory, a story told
A new life emerged, with a purpose grand
A soul's awakening, in this world's land

With every breath, a victory claimed
A life sustained, with love proclaimed
Through laughter and tears, through joy and strife
A warrior's spirit, cutting through life

Your existence is a victory, a triumph of might
A shining star, in the dark of night
A beacon of hope, in a world astray
A soul's declaration, "I am here to stay"

Truth resounded, deep within your soul
You are a victory, a life that makes whole
A unique and precious gift, to this world's stage
A shining triumph, in every step and every age

© Ade F'ayo