

The Perfect Gift From Afar
(Epitome of pretty precious memories!)

When whispering sorrows shall come passing by;
Sunshines and the winds shall yell their mockery, and songbirds too shall steal scorn through.
The moon and the stars; the hosts of night all
Shall sing sweetly in the night's deep:
Family's the woods!
a jungle of clustered trees
from afar, only from afar;
A perfect gift from afar!

Then you'll have to hide in the corner of your room pondering...
Don't you worry much thenadays! Sit your dear self down and burry your fate in your palms.
For both day and night are witnesses that family is epitome of pretty precious memories!
Till the worlds go away, there are sweet sunshines that burn sometimes, waters too that fight us for dwellings, and gentle winds that rage angrily sometimes.

There are the ones that build, and the breakers pull down;
Comforters and heartbreakers too.
But, when you are gone, we'll rest work; grace your funeral.
Do a lot of silly things; well tears too.
Then shall we proof to the wings of the world over:
Family's the woods!
a jungle of clustered trees
from afar, only from afar;
A perfect gift from afar!
Epitome of pretty precious memories!

©D. U. Nathaniel.
•Mon, Aug 26,2019✓