

Outgoing Introvert.
"Aint solivagant

I crave your company

lets not talk about the future

here and now is what we breathe

come with me up in the mountains

outgoing introvert I am

hunger adventurer

I will listen to all your theories

but dont expect me to comprehend.

Let's just

notice the nectars , smell the breeze

did you packed the gummy bears

in lunch box?

I prepared you bunch of meals

I will tell you everything in advance

but not soooo futuristic that you cant even

take a glance.

before we could ever experience

oh overwhelmed you are

I am just starting.

I got plan a to z ,

with sub plans a¹ , a² , a³

no , don't get me wrong , I'm not rigid

I move and decide flexibly

throw me all the unexpected moments

to our destinations we can still reach.


your chillax ever excited ISFP"

© philadelphia ✨