

She is Everything

The real woman is not beautiful,

She is beauty,

She is not sweet,

She is sweetness,

She is the spine that holds the body,

The shoulder for a weary head to lean on,

She endures where others fail,

She is not a testimony to the concept

She is the concept,

She is courage

She is strength

She is victory

She is joy

She is the mentol that sooths the soul,

The morning sun that gladdens a face,

But she is also fury,

She is jealous

She is crazy

She is nag,

She is the sense in the nonsense,

She is Extraodinary gbaski*

The light that completes the photosynthesis,

She is a prayer warrior,

Don't try her,

She is a everyday figther

She is a list manager

A home maker,

A duvet,

The real woman knows how to treat an empty stomach,

She is the kitchen,

The alarm keeper,

She is so soft and fragile

Yet strong as the bone she was made off.

She knows her worth,
She is everthing
She is you.
To all the real women in the house...
Much love
We are proud of you...


(C)Akim I.2019
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