

She rushed to the hospital listening the rings of the phone...

Running as fast as she can to the emergency room...

There were patients suffering with myraid ailments...

The nurses were handling all of them with care....

She wore her apron with a stethoscope around her neck...

She hurriedly turned the pages of the medical reports...

She made arrangements to the operation theatre.....

Her words of hope were the most important thing to the patients...

For instance...she looked like an angel 👼 come to earth...

She walked by the mortuary room to reach the operation theatre....

Suddenly😱... something has happened ...she disappeared from the hospital...

She herself was in a great chaos..she didn't know what has happened....

She heard yells of a person..so loud!!Ankita...Ankita.....

She felt drops of water falling on her...

Suddenly ...she opened her eyes..and shook her head....

She realised that it was her dream..and she was a doctor in that!

And the person who yelled was her mother waking her up sprinkling water on her face!....

And it was already 8am...and she had to get ready for her college!!🙃

© manu