

"The Whisper"- A horror short story
A soft whisper beckoned Haria from her sleep, in the dead of night. Frozen in fear, she strained to hear. The voice grew louder, closer. "Come to me," it hissed.

Her heart raced as she followed the haunting call through the dark house. Shadows danced on the walls, and the air turned icy cold. The whisper led her to the attic door, creaking open on its own.

Trembling, Haria climbed the stairs, each step echoing like a death knell. In the attic, a figure materialized from the darkness, its face twisted in a grotesque grin.

"Join us," it whispered, reaching out with skeletal fingers.

Terror gripped Haria as she realized she was not alone. The spirits of the house had awakened, hungry for her soul.
© Simrans
#shortstory #HorrorStories