

His Phone Call..!
She was the same today;
Grumpy and moody;
Smiling for just necessity..
Standing with her mommy,
In kitchen nodding to her story,
Drifting away with her memory,
Looking over the balcony,
The highway was empty..

From nowhere, came the singing,
That'd been in her playlist ageing!
Her mom towards her was waving!
To wake her up from dreaming..
Said, in hallway, her phone's ringing..
The tune still felt like resonating,
She came running unbelieving,
To see his contact name flashing!!..

Reaching the top of her imagination,
She finally came to realization,
That felt like a martyr mission.!
Debating to press red or green function,
Having been pulled to emotion,
Attended the call with confusion..
Hearing no voice in other station,
Awaiting with concern as her only expression…….

Finally his Hello, made her feel dizzy;
She was into the air like fizzy!
They conversed so formally;
Yet it seemed to her so normally..
His cold tone felt warmly,
Driving her in his way, calmly..
Erasing every single thing totally,
She became once again lively...