

I wanna be like before I was...
In the world of these fake smiles...
In the world where everyone is running for something...
I wanna stay rather than running...
I wanna be calm ...
I know I will achieve what I want..
but I wanna achieve it with peace and calmness in my life..
And I don't wanna be me..
when I m tired...
I don't wanna pretend to be okay if I m not...
I wanna cry when I feel my heart is heavy....
sometimes just sometimes...
I wanna be like before I was..
I wanna laugh ,cry, wanna be weird
just like before...
I wanna do things which can make others laugh...
Oh God let me be happy for sometimes...
I never ran away from my pains and problems...
I Don't wanna live with fake smile like others do...
Their are many people who is happy just with my existence..
And their are many people who just hate me coz I m laughing ,smiling and being happy everytime..
I wanna be like child who doesn't know to say no to the things they like ..
I want to do all the things what I like...
I wanna see and love my old self again...
I wanna be like whatever I was whoever I was I was real that time...
I again wanna be like before I was
And one day I will be...
© JN