

start from the beginning
Start from the beginning, reach for my hand I'll hang on for as long as I can.

I can touch you forever, even when it's the only thing I can remember.

I know that you reached out before then dropped on the floor. Having to pick yourself up from a place that seemed lower than before.

I this is our beginning, time to let go of everything else that has knocked you down.

let's start over, let me bring you to a beginning and forget about all the times before. When starting over seemed to be harder then before.

I can only begin with you, nothing else can do.
I don't ask for much, just your hand. Will you take a chance to reach out to me, like I know you can.

I promise that I'll do all I can to support your foundation so all your worries will be lifted it's a gift that's going to be real, give me your hand and I'll show you a new world.

This is the beginning , never to be done again. Beginning over isn't scary for as long as I hold your hand, reach out I do everything else.
© jun.klost96#broken