

Unanswered love
A love that's never been answered,
can give you so much pain.
The longing for someone can be so strong.
And you can feeling so desperate.
Yes, feelings sometimes you almost can't
control them. But there's a time that you
must wake up and rezlize that you are
wasting your time. You must find the courage
to move on, and try to forget wich is not an
easy thing.

It's better this way.
Accept it, that your love will stay unanswered.
Move on, and maybe one day, there comes
someone on your path. And than you may
get the love that you always wanted the love
that you deserve. And than you be happy, that
you forget about that other impossible love.

This is a love that's based on something,
and it comes from both sides. And you
will be so happy that your love is being
answered your love. This love is a gift
and you are grateful, a blessing from above.
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