

In the quiet moments of dusk's embrace,
Where shadows dance in the fading light's grace,
There lies a tale of trials and strife,
A journey carved with the edge of life.

Success, a beacon on distant shores,
Beyond the grasp of mundane chores,
It whispers secrets to those who dare,
To chase their dreams through the endless air.

It's not in the trophies gleaming bright,
Nor in the cheers that pierce the night,
But in the heart that never yields,
In the soul that strives and never shields.

Success is woven in sweat and tears,
In facing doubts and conquering fears,
It's found in the steps, however small,
That lead you closer to your call.

Each setback met with resilience bold,
Every stumble a lesson told,
For in the crucible of toil and pain,
The seeds of triumph firmly reign.

It's in the artist's brushstroke, bold and free,
In the musician's melody, pure and key,
In the scholar's quest for knowledge vast,
In the farmer's harvest, bountiful and fast.

Success is not a destination's gleam,
But a journey, an ever-flowing stream,
It's the courage to begin anew,
To chase the dreams that stir in you.

So let not failure dim your sight,
Nor hardships quench your inner light,
For in the tapestry of life's duress,
Lies the radiant essence of success.
