

My Alpha.
You are the morning sunlight that slips in through the curtains of my room. The one that awakens me from my dreams. The one guiding me to take in how beautiful this life is. In the morning. At noon.

You are the gentle moon that emerges at night. Aware of my Nyctophobia, you brought the lesser lights, the stars, to give me comfort. With you in my life, there's never a dark day. The world is always shining bright.

In your firm embrace, my insomnia is cured. I sleep peacefully, just like a new born. My heart aches whenever you go on a journey. Short or long, I want to accompany you wherever you go.

My Alpha, should we merge with the day, would we be burned? Tanned?
My Alpha, should merge with the diamonds, would we be considered dead?
Wherever I go, as long as you are there, there is my home.
Your presence, your embrace, my safest Haven.

© Haiza.