

A Choice
I chose my family, though, not biologically. I mean, I chose them mentally, there are those that choose to love their abusers. It's the way they were raised and they do not know how to moved past it. I get it, fear is not always a liar, but it begets anger. Behind anger there is always an insecurity hidden beneath. I have insecurities as many of us do, which does not define me or make me unique. It creates an opportunity for me to run pass this wall and jump towards my future. Family isn't a lie, it's a choice. Some will disagree or don't have a choice in the matter of who they align themselves with. That's hard, but you need to stand that ground. Lets go for our dreams and goals together. It will be hard, extremely hard. Together... we become more, help the world change in its entirety and help each other even if those that are not human. I'm starting to sound like a cliche, but I believe in you. Always will, always have, forever and always. It's your smile I desire, I want to see your dreams come to life, I want to see your hard work and I want you all to be family. I love myself, sometimes it does not seem like it when I have unhealthy chips on my bed. It's also the fact that I will never be perfect, I choose happiness for myself though. Lets be better every single day, lets be family and have a long friendship. I want us to grow and become better. So, smile because every single day is a gift and your smile lifts the world. Because it's a beautiful smile.
© Process-12