

if it were written in the books
In a world of books, where stories weave,
Amidst shelves, allure began to breathe,
She unzipped, unveiling passions hidden,
A tale unfurled, desires forbidden.

Surrounded by knowledge, we both stood,
In whispered words, exploring the good,
Imagination sparked, pages turned,
As desires entwined, the fire burned.

With graceful touch, she uncovered my needs,
A passionate exchange, where desire feeds,
Bound by the words, our bodies found bliss,
In intimate moments, where secrets kiss.

Amongst endless tales, we chose our own,
As fervid sensations gracefully shone,
Exploring chapters where pleasure grew,
In this library of passion, me and you.

The shelves may bear volumes of countless books,
Yet our story written in passionate looks,
In the whispers shared, as souls intertwined,
A tale of desire, forever to bind.

So amidst the pages, let our love scream,
As we write a verse, like nothing ever seen,
For within these shelves, where dreams come alive,
Our love story unfolds, beautifully alive.

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