

The Radiant golden hue
The grey clouds covered the crescent moon,
And the darkness was spread all around,
Wandering in the dark forest,
It felt lile I was free yet bound.

The crickets chirped and the gentle gust whistled,
The dark scared me and so did the silence,
I yearned for a ray of the sun,
admist the black ocean of darkness.

Just then my orbs caught a radiant light,
Shining in the woods with a golden hue,
The clouds moved and the moon shined,
And that's when my feet turned to you.

Your love made me feel at ease in a moment,
Your smile made the stars twinkle bright,
I saw my universe beaming once again,
As your love flowed through my mind.

You saved me from the dark night,
When I alone wandered on the rugged paths,
Your whispers, your love, your touch,
Shone like a flame that ignited my heart.
© Lavenderdawn