

The living God calls me His son
Book Name
The Humble saw heaven
Written by: Apostle Bonifácio

Title: The living God calls me His son

Brethren,i am glad to see you again even though many of you do not believe that our spirits know each other.

Blessed be you all who give a chance the messenger of the Lord of life "Jesus the living Messiah"

I had a lot to keep me busy the whole day but the Maker of heaven is greater that I did my best to obey His rules as He sent me to deliver this healing words.

It's the life of the true believer of the Blessed Trinity that I came to draw in order to give power those who are walking slowly on the way to salvation.

He calls me His son,and I am so glad to be called His son because according to the living word Jehovah God will send many sinners away from His face as they never be humble before His throne.

I am not perfect but He decided to be my Father again,i say that He is my Father for the second time for when you forsake the Living God He (the Holy Spirit) find no dwelling place in your heart and without the Holy Spirit you are not called the sheep of "the living Saviour,Christ".

This is just a spirit of the living saint of Jesus "Saint Paul" which the heaven called to lay it in peace and it just chose to use me to deliver the living bread to everyone who need to see the face of Jesus Christ the Merciful Savior of the world.

The angel of the Lord is writing through me therefore I humbly say that I write to everyone who serve Christ the Son of God that the heaven will crown all of you very soon for your efforts on the spiritual service,for they are destroying the plans of the wicked angels of Satan... Keep praying in Jesus name,pray pray and do not stop for the days of your victories are very near.You are about to be called "the chosen soldiers of God" do not sleep on your gifts,use them in order to be rewarded by the God of everlasting life.

Keep humbling yourselves before Jesus Christ and the heaven will open its door for you to enter and eat dinner with Christ the Merciful Son of God.

God loves you,therefore He sent His angel to deliver the word of salvation,in order to give power those who are weak and also to encourage all those who are willing to run away from Satan, that they may believe that once they come out from the door of the evil one,Jesus will send His angels to protect them up until they reach home.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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