

Dear Dear,
I want to put out the words aloud, I fail. I fear. I fear to feel empty, perhaps. The words that I held back had meanings. Once it escapes out of the open cage it will never return back I know well. I m melancholic towards too many things presently. I don't know where my life is heading. I saw an ending without a new beginning. It is perhaps my fault that I left it unfinished. I backed off and now I am stuck. I should've stayed as your friend forever. I miss you as a friend in my life. I feel the void. And there's no return , I know.

I could've confessed out exactly how I felt that day and thereafter, everytime. I didn't. I wanted you to know naturally. I wanted our eyes to meet and jam a song of nostalgia, a mood of restless, an urge of warmness, maybe the wind would turn wild and then mild and I 'd sing a symphony of tales I read somewhere to you like they're mine. I would express with my silence first, I would rather be an impractical soul before disclosing my true being. Alas! It never happened. I fear to feel empty. I stayed numb. I feel more void now.
© Prerana