

Letter to my Former love
My dear, Should I call you that?
As doing so brings bad memories from the past.

What am I writing? I do not know.
All I want is to make my feelings known.

To be honest, you were my best gift.
You still are, though you won't admit it.

You were with me through hard times and good
always making me stand as I should.

Supported and defended me
when even my own family shunned me.

You who I told all my secrets to
When I felt that I was worse than you.

You who pulled me in and comforted me
You have always been there for me.

Imagine how I felt when you suddenly left
"it's over," you said. "I've tried my best."

I was so shocked I couldn't move
stood in the spot you left me, cold and shooked.

What I did, I know not
But I cried my heart out and did worse.

Several years later, I look at myself.
You didn't break me, You brought me out of my shell.

I weighed you down, with all my problems.
So selfish I was, didn't know you had them.

I had viewed you as one without it
imagine my shock when yours was worse than it is.

But you were there for me, had always been
and I had been a selfish mess, so uncaring.

Thanks to you, I'm mature now
won't make the same mistake anyhow.

I see you've moved on and your happy.
Now that I realise it, I wished you could have been that...with me.

It's all over now, I regret sadly.
But I thank you for those times you've been there for me.

I appreciate it sincerely
and hold it dear to my heart certainly

Won't take it back or change it
no matter knowing what the outcome will be.

© Naomi Obasi