

Wait not here, for, could it be eternal?
Take the way back home; would you find peace!
In the heart of night, there is that sheepish glow.
Can’t take thy thing, nor shall you bow.

Not far away is that way, which will take you to the end of it.
Long here have you been in pursuit of many.
Many had come, many shall go;
The ones of heart don’t far away go,
For it is meant to keep high and low.

So, embark you on this voyage of hours,
For it is the one that has always been yours.
Pain and sufferings do surely come,
Time be the only one that makes it numb.

Long do they howl, and long do they hoot;
None could break the courage so deeply rooted.
Ah! The cries of infants are not so fair,
Only ones in the world that make a smile bare.

Isn’t hope, or not so, a cue?
Nor is the glow all so lone;
Accompanied it is by the light hue.

So, embark on this voyage of hours,
For it is the one that has always been yours.
© aadil wani

PS:- Written when I was 17 back in 2015