

A moment in time
No words I’m a mime
Look all around
Stare at the ground
My face how it sinks
I stare out of a window and blink
I look down at my hands
The bruises demand
To find another fix
My mind how it conflicts
I see the train coming now
The impact I allow
I don’t see a way out
Sink in my doubt
The tears on the faces
My mind how it races
All I let go
Because I know
The battle was lost
A bridge I can’t cross
My problems they cost
Every way I exhaust
I curl in a ball
Sink against a dirty wall
I cry and I call
A small sliver of hope
A slippery slope
I feel so far gone
But there’s always a dawn
A new day for me
A new way to be
Fixing the broken
Making words not unspoken
Taking a leap
Straight down it’s so deep
I let go and I open my eyes
Somehow I’m on the other side
© wondrouslythinking