

Emptiness, loneliness,
Those are emotions I feel.
Deserted, friendless,
Those are words I reel.

I try repeatedly, telling myself I'm okay,
"It's just a feeling", I say, not wanting it to be real.
I may be seeing things wrongly, or not seeing things at all,
But I shouldn't be thinking that people do not like me afterall.

Just cause they don't talk to me, or check on me everyday,
Doesn't mean I'm someone who'd they want to stay away.

And wouldn't that make me a selfish hypocrite,
If all I want is something I do not practice or keep.

For I am neither outgoing as I ought or want,
Neither do I check up on anyone everyday it seems.

I'm just a lonely human who'd rather wallow in her emptiness,
than take it upon herself not to become friendless.
© Naomi Obasi